Sunday, March 25, 2007
i've been working for one week le.. so fast..
i've also been receiving all kinds of comments from others upon knowing abt my job..
btw, i am working as gp rt now..
yup? anybody wants to give me any more comments?
so sianed..
hearing things like..
huh? u teach gp?
dun mislead the students k
den frm ms ____, hey! u're here! How come _____ never get in ah?
u sure anot?
bla bla bla.. wad de..
trying very hard to ignore these comments..
arghh.. roarrr..
so irritating...
ms ___ eventually hired my sis too.. cos she has another vacancy..
or perhaps she has more confidence in my sis or dunno wad..
but i m glad tt she will stop complaining tt she's jobless.. bla bla..
will only start teaching frm tml onwards..
tt means..
wad have i been doing during the past week?
intensive training..
lessons conducted by the hod...........
as if learning gp all over again..
doing compre
reading content module..
drawing up lesson plans..
draft after draft..
n looking at my sis destroy my lesson plans by writing so many many things on the paper.. heartache.. ya i noe my plan may nt be good enough or wad.. but ouch*
so many things to do..
so many expectations to fulfill..
so stressful..
it is hard earned money..
so dun say it's a slack job.
but i m fine with it..
i like gp,
like teaching
do u noe tt doing people rt is one of the greatest part-time job now?
no need to use so much of ur brain capacity n energy..
n u still earn the same amt as all other rts...
great rite?
so vex with life every now and den..
thinking of applying for ntu..
but not very sure of wad course to take..
actually nt many tt i feel suitable..
my sis's so hardworking ploughing through the notes..
i'm a little discouraged already..
by my colleague..
he says he does nthing related to work..
but he still managed to impress at work..
so sianed..
learn, learn, learn..
do, do, do..
sigh time really flies..
it's already late march..
watch bullet-proof monk last night on tv..
it's more than the fighting scenes tt i m interested..
watching it again on tv is so much different..
it brings me deep into the philosophies of life..
the reality of life...
most ppl experiencing modernity are always engrossed in the chase towards material satisfaction.. yes, i am talking abt the pursuit of monetary gains or goods/entertainment tt exceed the basic necessities required by a normal human.
u may think yah yah.. like u dont?
yes sometimes i do..
but most of the time.. they are reserved to be only hopeful thinking.. or things tt i really need.. like right now, working hard to earn money for uni fees.. nt juz working for.. wadsoever.. i am neither perfect nor saint.
from personnas of history to characters of present day..
several strive towards the gaining of power and wealth...
the more powerful ones obsessed with them so much.. they go on to wish tt their lives can be lengthen..
sometimes i could understand..
the word 'death' seems to instil a lot of fear..
but i wish we can understand how to live life to the fullest everyday and also how important it is to do so...
after blabbering non-stop..
i feel so weird..
it's been a long time since i blogged a lengthy post..
so wierd tt i have already sat in front of the com for so long le..
most of the time i want to do something on the com, it's either cut short or disrupted...
just read a post on yi yang's blog..
memories of the class..
haha.. it's pretty funny..
but after a while, i feel quite saddened by it,
time really flies, 2 years in a class together..
how much have we actually appreciated each other?
other than just hanging around the basic group of friends u have..
have u ever wondered how amazing it is tt we are in a class together?
fate/not fate brought us together in a class..
the time we spent together,
and finding out each other's unique and greatly different characteristics,
finding out wad kind of similarities we might share and
really juz spending time together in a class, aquiring knowledge or engage in any activity..
life is a complicated yet wonderful word..
i hope yi yang is not only person who rmb these memories or juz spent some time thinking of the past n recollecting issues..
have to go now..
~ walk through life being you♥
Saturday, March 17, 2007
been sitting here in front of the com..
been playing pool online..
den juz realise i have been wasting so much time..
today was a really bad day..
frm morning..
a terrible start...
to afternoon was so much worse..
so silly of me to actually turn up
start working next week..
feel very sad ms _____ did nt hire my sis..
my sis's very upset..
i feel even more terrible..
past few days went to buy e clothes i may need..
some of them chosen by my sis.. nt exactly wad i wanted though..
today saw some shirts tt i felt i wld feel more comfortable in..
but cant buy le.. prob next time ba.. in future when i earn some more money..
my mum's getting more n more unreasonable each day..
constantly saying things to hurt me...
my dad's often throwing his temper at me..
my mum's chasing me n sis to slp..
claiming tt my dad this n tt..
when the actual reason is my dad's waiting for my bro to come back home frm his party..
see whether he need to go fetch him..
my sis had a quarrel with me lately..
she is upset tt she waste so much time n effort into looking for a job.. but yet she did get a job..
while instead i found one without much effort..
i spent so much time trying to convince her tt u get some u lose some.. (while in my heart i feel like saying i get some but lost a lot)..
she feel upset tt i seldom listen to her..
but she always had to listen to me..
i wonder how true these r..
even if they r so true..
i always want to tell her..
however 'bad' she is, she still has a momo she can talk to, to complain abt how terrible her sis is..
but me.. i cant..
i cant complain to anybody..
even on this blog..
when i actually intended it to b a space where i can discuss abt my reflections abt life.. n the philosophy.. n opinions abt many other things... abt realism.. abt dreams....
but instead i realised i needed this space more for venting my unhappiness... throwing up my complaints n other really real things in life..
n also the limited chance n time i can use the com n post a message on my blog..
but i'm glad i have at least this space i can throw up on..
have to go..
my mum's knocking.. putting up "silent" protest..
till next time!
~ walk through life being you♥
i m so silly.
~ walk through life being you♥
Monday, March 12, 2007
havent been blogging for quite a while le..
went for nus open yesterday..
actually nthing much to see.. abt the same as the previous year..
on sat went for lunch with some of the 4e1 peeps.. the lunch treat mrs chan promised two years ago for the class cos all of us managed to get at least a b3 and above for bio den..
actually didnt really feel like going cos the people going werent really the kind of ppl i can readily chat to..
nt my gang.. but i was very much persuaded to do so by my mum n ele... so went.. nthing to lose rite..
it was at centrepoint.. nt really behind centrepoint...
rice table.. some indonesian restaurant..
food's ok.. ambience is good..
but nthing much to talk to them abt...
dun really noe them well..
mikail's hair's so long everyone mistook him for a girl...
weeqi grew fatter..
otherwise everyone's abt the same..
pic's below.. difference in the two pic?(any guesses?) haha.. fiona's missing in the first photo.. i upload the first photo here cos its seems more wen xin.. mrs chan is the lady in grey...

hoping to get the new job soon...
but i m actually nt so eager la..
recently my sis's quite crazy abt some idol drama.. hana kimi... n cos of tt.. she crazy of farenheit.. more precisely wu zun..
for me.. i dont really like them...
cos i think they cant sing very well..
as for her another fav idol group 183 club..
i m fine with them...
quite gd looking..
can sing n dance pretty well..
so i like them better..
tt's y recently all the songs u hear here are theirs..
gt chance i will upload some youtube videos here..
today watch da vinci's code.. my bro borrowed the vcd..
rather interesting..
nt as brain taxing as i thought..
nt much self-interpretation i have to do..
sat watched cars.. nice.. i like it very much dun mind watching it again..
still enjoy playing bball very much..
though most of the time alone.. but still enjoy..
with the guys.. will play longer..
aiya so sianed..
dun feel like continuing this post..
try loading the video here now..
~ walk through life being you♥
Friday, March 02, 2007
nt too bad..
happiest with gp..
gt A2..
other than tt.. so so..
sis did very well very happy for her..
~ walk through life being you♥
Thursday, March 01, 2007
first day of march..
cant believe we have graduated from sch for 3 months le...
tml already...
so scared..
all the best!!!!
~ walk through life being you♥