Sunday, August 29, 2004

~ walk through life being you♥
Saturday, August 28, 2004
it's been some time after my sis wisdom tooth incident. by the way a couple of days later, her wound started to bleed non-stop again. parents sent her to hospital and it turned out that she had dengue fever, but is recovering. but she had to stay for observation. B class wards are occupied so had to stay in an A class ward, high class man
but now she recovered and at home. i had to go now
so i will elaborate later when i gt a chance.
~ walk through life being you♥
Sunday, August 15, 2004
many things have happened since after the pre prelims. one of them include the release of the chinese 'o' result. very upset about the result- a2, even threw a temper tantrum about it, but actually i kind of expected the result before hand. just couldnt accept it. i would most probably retake it, but i am not really very sure whether i should. a number in our class gt a one, but most ppl gt a 3. this time the results, as claimed by the principal, was the 2nd worst in history. sigh.
and then my sis gt her wisdom tooth extracted on last friday before the national day. but a few days after she had high fever and had to go for a jab. after high fever, she had a terrible skin rash. i am really worried about her. a couple of days my parents and i had to wake up in the middle of the night because she had some problems. last night i woke up at 5 to see my sis being frantic because the wound is bleeding. and then after much hassle, it finally stop bleeding. i was so worried that i had a terrible time trying to sleep. haiz. then this morning, her rash went off slightly but her wound started bleeding non stop again. my dad had to bring her to a dentist. now she had her wound sew up again and is sleeping. sigh, i dont know what to do. this year so many things happened that cause my distraction away from work. i havent really started preparing for the prelims yet not like some others. sigh. i hope nothing more would happen, or else i cannot take it anymore, but right now i hope to be able to concentrate on work and that my sis recovers quickly, she has her orals tml, mine's on friday. well, i do believe that whatever happens, i will be strong enough heheh. i will do my very best in the exams. :)
oh by the way i did manage to see ms tan on thurs at about 6.15, but i was in the car and leaving so didnt manage to greet her :( but i still look forward to after prelims :) sorry of this message is kinda long, heehee. yes, i'll try not to swallow the words on friday :P.
all the best
~ walk through life being you♥